Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How YOU can HELP CRUSH CARLY FIORINA with Minimal Skills in Your Spare Time!

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Twitter Pics fr : How YOU can HELP CRUSH CARLY FIORINA with Minimal Skills in UR Spare Time!.

Carly Fiorina's Soul without the makeup on. Look at the real Carly seething with hate for you. pic.twitter.com/CeyRewBapC

Carly Fiorina digs at Donald Trump: 'Look at this face' http://t.co/b06VPKPHsP Spymaster Carly hired the Dicks. pic.twitter.com/7fPyozdPRK

Carly Fiorina CEO of ACU Foundation = #CPAC, paid Phil Robertson to say his shit in public about STDs. #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/5IbGU6wMC3

Carly Fiorina CEO of ACU Foundation = #CPAC, paid Phil Robertson to say his shit in public about STDs. #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/0zZ4V2ETzL

Carly Fiorina CEO of ACU Foundation = #CPAC, paid Phil Robertson to say his shit in public about STDs. pic.twitter.com/sual53lXTp

Carly Fiorina CEO of ACU Foundation = #CPAC, paid Phil Robertson to say his HATE shit in public about STDs, Autism pic.twitter.com/tQlVDAtpZx

And Duck Dynasty is in the Corporate Welfare racket: pic.twitter.com/gV7Tr8f9bS

Carly Fiorina CEO of ACU Foundation = #CPAC, HIRED the crooked private dicks who spied on reporters @HP-Pretexting. pic.twitter.com/paC2FtV6CW

Carly Fiorina Hired Crooked Pretexting Private Dicks,
got fired, drove off with $23 million of Golden Kruggerands.

Carly Fiorina Hired Crooked Pretexting Private Dicks, Left Them Behind to go to PRISON, left Successors the Blame.

Carly Fiorina Hired Crooked Pretexting Private Dicks, Left Them Behind to go to PRISON, left Successors the Blame.  pic.twitter.com/j0AaJ7gMAW

Media Promote Carly Fiorina As A "Rebuttal" To "War On Women" Narrative, Ignoring How Her Policies Could Hurt Women

.@CarlyFiorina is not a “rebuttal” to ‘war on women’ -- her policies could seriously hurt women http://bit.ly/1zRPj7X   @MMFA #OwnIt

She sounds like a real winner. Carly Fiorina pic.twitter.com/7jLrsVTZhL

Carly Fiorina outsourced (fired) 18,000 USA  jobs to China jobs, bought her $1,000,000 yacht with Golden Parachute $$ pic.twitter.com/h1gg76MArY

#GOP's Village Idiot - Economy is suffering because workers are ‘watching porn all day long’ http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/03/gops-carly-fiorina-economy-is-suffering-because-workers-are-watching-all-day-long/ pic.twitter.com/vjYBXtAcm0

Didn't Carly Fiorina layoff 18,000 workers at HP then take $21M golden parachute at HP? http://m.motherjones.com/mojo/2008/06/why-carly-fiorina-symbol-corporate-excesses-mccains-favorite-ceo pic.twitter.com/iMNLtH6FHH

If Carly Fiorina were to do for the US what she did for H-P, about 16 million people would be fired. pic.twitter.com/j1UmvJA3df

Carly Fiorina has Michele Bachman's Eyes, David #Koch's Mind, #DickCheney's Heart. pic.twitter.com/uqKTTGztyO

Carly Fiorina outsourced (fired) 18,000 USA  jobs to China jobs, bought her $1,000,000 yacht with Golden Parachute $$ pic.twitter.com/bzhB6EQJiW

@SEIU "The popularity of this image on social media suggests that it’s hit a nerve." http://www.afscme.org/blog/we-know-why-this-photo-is-taking-off-on-social-media pic.twitter.com/THTe1p3ZHl

Carly Fiorina outsourced (fired) 18,000 USA  jobs to China jobs, bought her $1,000,000 yacht with Golden Parachute $$ pic.twitter.com/gAGgFn0ivf

Carly Fiorina is Chair of the ACUF, the moneybags hosting the annual #GOP HATE FESTIVAL called #CPAC. #Uniteblue #P2 pic.twitter.com/zZAAVYnOXK

Carly Fiorina is Chair of the ACUF, hosting the annual #GOP HATE FESTIVAL called #CPAC
Duck Dynasty Speaker At #CPAC

#ThatAwkwardMoment when #Fiorina SuperPAC reminds you she's the CEO who almost destroyed @HP http://www.cnet.com/news/hps-carly-fiorina-era-is-finally-over-good-riddance/ https://twitter.com/ZekeJMiller/status/589482082658869249

Carly Fiorina Vows To Neutralize Hillary's 'Gender Card' http://shar.es/1gLzV1  via @sharethis #GOPClownCar #GOPIdiots

Even at her own party, #CPAC paid for by Carly Fiorina's #ACUF, she's a bottom to #DonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/VpRnukoOeM

Carly Fiorina, Chair of the ACUF, moneybags hosting the annual #GOP HATE FESTIVAL #CPAC. #TedCruz #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/IDx2IXx2n7

Carly Fiorina Outsaourced 30,000 jobs, then bought a million dollar yacht

We Want More Wars!!!!
 Carly Fiorina, GOP Field Targeted by Pressure Group for Defense Firms http://smar.ws/hmB0E  #SmartNews

Fact Checker: Carly Fiorina’s misleading claims about her business record http://www.snsanalytics.com/WIxoy0  pic.twitter.com/J4ql9dGlM3

#Fiorina Outsources Presidential Campaign To India Satire  
 #tcot #ccot #p2 #UniteBlue #GOP pic.twitter.com/xtcBedWcLl

Find out what you need to know about Carly Fiorina  

Should be higher than 3 Pinnochios - Carly Fiorina's misleading claims about her business record http://wpo.st/LVjG0

Carly Fiorina Misleads On Student Loans! Evil as if the loans aren't bad enough! She is a criminal in sheep clothing  http://huff.to/1DUxgZA

Twitter Pics from @TEAM_LIBER8: How YOU can HELP with Minimal Skills in Your Spare Time! http://t.co/vDYrg6GnO4 #OWS pic.twitter.com/FwDbOi0v29

Carly Fiorina is failing to get into theTop Tier #GOP ClownCar and may lose her role as
"See #GOP ain't sexists" pic.twitter.com/gPZX68mDTO

Remember, The #Plutocrats have provided you with 
a well stocked #GOP Posse of Clowns
to serve and protect your sleep. pic.twitter.com/qoXBXNFWwY

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents. #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/MYQ5cMMzt4

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