Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents. They each get free media attention.

Plutocracy promises to spend BILLIONS on campaign ads, but leverages the money by extorting freebie exposure to it's candidates in exchange

Media is already centralized, owned by the Plutocracy directly or through stock-blocks; political money spent goes from/to Plutocracy circle

Plutocracy owns book publishers that market the candidate book, give generous advances $$$, buy books for supporters to puff up best sellers

Plutocracy pays book tours, pays lavish speaker's fees, pays all expenses, loans organization & staff for clown car CHORUS media circus

Plutocracy owns the media forum for debates, and press and broadcast media for coverage.

Do you realize how many $100,000,000s Mitt Romney spent on political ads with Bain Clear Channel that went back into his pocket?

Here's the twitter graphic of the above text...

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car
with a CHORUS to create a great noise
badmouthing their opponents. 

While you are here, click FAVORITE & RETWEET...

Twitter Pics from @TEAM_LIBER8: The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS ... http://t.co/Ozwl0wmZmr #GOP #ClownCar #Koch-#Murdoch

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, #ScottWalker, Ben Carson
Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, Donald Trump,
John Bolton, Rick Perry pic.twitter.com/FMTRroOfqm

Clinton-Cash, FoxNewsFreebies-Cash, Murdoch-Cash, MeetThePressFreebies-Cash, ChuckTodd-Cash, Jeb Bush-Cash, Adelman-Cash, VegasMob-Cash, IsraelLobby-Cash, Koch-Cash, Marco Rubio-Cash,

FoxNewsFreebies-Cash, Murdoch-Cash,
Jeb Bush-Cash, Adelman-Cash, VegasMob-Cash
IsraelLobby-Cash, Koch-Cash...

Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing opponents.
#TedCruz  pic.twitter.com/ssmNlAPLsd

Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS

to create a great noise badmouthing opponents.
#BenCarson pic.twitter.com/kMbQd1yh8U

Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS

to create a great noise badmouthing opponents.
#BenCarson pic.twitter.com/EudVetd1nn

Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS

to create a great noise badmouthing opponents.
#TedCruz pic.twitter.com/EuG5KoHWtg

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents.
#Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/lWXWjJuDAl

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents.
#Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/6YfBi537xt

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents.
#Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/ar11ZlhPpq

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents.
#Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/UlQuCAJWeV


ChuckTodd-Cash, Adelman-Cash, VegasMob-Cash
IsraelLobby-Cash, Koch-Cash

#Uniteblue Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing opponents.
#JohnBolton pic.twitter.com/YN5tgY6x1u

#Uniteblue Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing opponents.
#JohnBolton pic.twitter.com/qk9B31UvBb

Always room for one more in the GOP clown car.
#jebbush2016 #JebBush pic.twitter.com/wcJllCDAcn 
#Uniteblue #JebBush-Hitler-Family Values

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents
#Uniteblue #P2 pic.twitter.com/Qo4SbuBtHO

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents.
#Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/jufjBWQozn

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents
#Uniteblue #P2 pic.twitter.com/aMEpEVCbuF

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents.
#Uniteblue #P2 pic.twitter.com/N3zNjBGc6c

#JebBush Says We Should Abolish
The Federal Minimum Wage
http://t.co/HZifrjSWun #GOP-#ClownCar pic.twitter.com/ct3wWdQAnA

#GOP #ClownCar,MeetThePressFreebies-Cash
ChuckTodd-Cash, Adelman-Cash, VegasMob-Cash
IsraelLobby-Cash, Koch-Cash pic.twitter.com/ieEmAfLP0P

Ben Carson is failing to get into the
Top Tier #GOP ClownCar and may lose his role as 
"See #GOP=#KKK ain't Racists" pic.twitter.com/XJOgOYgu7S

Carly Fiorina is failing to get into the
Top Tier #GOP ClownCar and may lose her role as
"See #GOP ain't sexists" pic.twitter.com/gPZX68mDTO

Remember, The #Plutocrats have provided you with
a well stocked #GOP Posse of Clowns
to serve and protect your sleep. pic.twitter.com/qoXBXNFWwY

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents. #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/3wHIBbRzlS

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents. #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/MYQ5cMMzt4

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents. #Uniteblue

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents. #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/cCuSu1hTHD

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents. #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/bcQMblSbpB

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents. #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/RVsJmK4t6l

Rick Santorum on Bruce Jenner's Transition May Surprise Some:
You Have to Respect Everybody
http://bit.ly/1HNdCE4 pic.twitter.com/CgkSfGFrCl

    Romney Squeezes out Santorum

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents. #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/eHiMsoYqwT

    Santorum Clown, Exorcism

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents. #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/jH3mCLqHxY

    Rape a Gift of God

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents. #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/6x1VYh4970

    Christian Taliban Santorum, Abortion Gift From God

The Plutocracy stuffs the clown car with a CHORUS
to create a great noise badmouthing their opponents. #Uniteblue

    FosterFriess crotch, Santorum choco cone

FosterFriess Santorum sugar daddy, on not using SuperPACs

  FosterFriess TV talking, Santorum Rape Gift of God

FosterFriess Santorum sugar daddy, on not using SuperPACs

An America that embraces strong women and loving gay couples?
Rick Santorum just won't tolerate it.

#LincolnChafee Joins the #Koch #ClownCar as stealth #GOP operative, attacks #Hillary2016 with stale fake scandals. pic.twitter.com/KfkL6bMIxW

Joins the as stealth operative, attacks with stale fake scandals. pic.twitter.com/celmzpyL3v

#LincolnChafee Joins the #Koch #ClownCar at #Koch-Thrall George Mason Univ.
See Dossier, scroll down bottom half

The George Mason University is a totally -Subverted - institution.

The George Mason University is a totally -Subverted - institution.

The George Mason University is a totally -Subverted - institution.

The George Mason University is a totally -Subverted - institution.

Joins the as stealth operative, attacks with stale fake scandals.

The George Mason University is a totally -Subverted - institution.

The George Mason University is a totally -Subverted - institution.

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