Tuesday, September 8, 2015

100 years ago #JebBush forefather Sam Bush worked his factory workers to death

100 years ago #JebBush forefather Sam Bush worked his factory workers to death ► http://teamliber8.blogspot.com/2015/09/100-years-ago-jebbush-forefather-sam.html
#Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/KN3c46iDfS

100 Years Ago: Bush-Nazis: Samuel Pryor, Remington Arms, Cunard bldg, Merchants of Death http://bush-nazis.blogspot.com/2011/05/map-to-merchants-of-death.html pic.twitter.com/0XJ8DsKF2p

100 Years Ago: Bush-Nazis: Samuel Pryor, Remington Arms, Cunard bldg, Merchants of Death http://bush-nazis.blogspot.com/2011/05/map-to-merchants-of-death.html

100 Years Ago: Bush-Nazis: Samuel Pryor, Remington Arms, Cunard bldg, Merchants of Death http://bush-nazis.blogspot.com/2011/05/map-to-merchants-of-death.html

100 Years Ago Bush family partners were stuffing 4 million military bullets onto SS Lusitania http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/snpwwi2.htm pic.twitter.com/we3gNaUomP

100 years ago #JebBush forefather Sam Bush worked his Buckeye Steel men to death ►http://teamliber8.blogspot.com/2015/09/100-years-ago-jebbush-forefather-sam.html #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/pfcDA2tteJ

100 years ago #JebBush forefather, Sam Bush, worked his Buckeye Steel men & boys 12hr/day 7 days/week, 365 days/year pic.twitter.com/rVQZQYHwHf

100 years ago #JebBush forefather, Sam Bush, worked his Buckeye Steel men & boys until dropped dead, no pensions. pic.twitter.com/1lWGaftocr

100 years ago #JebBush forefather Sam Bush worked his factory workers to death ► http://teamliber8.blogspot.com/2015/09/100-years-ago-jebbush-forefather-sam.html #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/uxYExKh2UK

100 years ago #JebBush forefather Sam Bush worked his Buckeye Steel men to death ►http://teamliber8.blogspot.com/2015/09/100-years-ago-jebbush-forefather-sam.html #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/Co3ItIzOGy

100 years ago #JebBush forefather Sam Bush worked his Buckeye Steel men to death ►http://teamliber8.blogspot.com/2015/09/100-years-ago-jebbush-forefather-sam.html #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/F7WIhyYGFm

100 years ago #JebBush forefather Sam Bush worked Buckeye Steel men to death, fronting for Rockefeller Crime Family pic.twitter.com/Immx4xemd9

#JebBush Bush-Nazis: 26 Broadway NYC -- Standard Oil Building -- MAP Merchants of Death http://bush-nazis.blogspot.com/2011/05/26-broadway-nyc-standard-oil-building.html pic.twitter.com/Immx4xemd9 #p2

100 years ago #JebBush forefather Sam Bush worked his Buckeye Steel men to death 12 hours a day, They never saw daylight or played golf.

100 years ago #JebBush forefather Sam Bush's Buckeye Steel never saw daylight or played golf. Worked 12hrs/7days/365 pic.twitter.com/6TqUNrZeTk

100 years ago #JebBush forefather, Sam Bush, worked his Buckeye Steel men & boys until dropped dead, no pensions. pic.twitter.com/gaP5QUmFCn

100 years ago Sam Bush's employer Rockefeller, #JebBush forefather, machine-gunned families for unionizing in Ludlow pic.twitter.com/wlQLBZSNso

100 years ago Sam Bush's employer Rockefeller, #JebBush forefather, machine-gunned families for unionizing in Ludlow pic.twitter.com/TSej2MZaUm

100 years ago Sam Bush's employer Rockefeller, #JebBush forefather, machine-gunned families for unionizing in Ludlow pic.twitter.com/A4vGWt935L

100 years ago Rockefellers taught servants Bush about BLOOD FOR OIL, sent US Marines Machine-Guns into Tampico. http://carl-bell.baylor.edu/JL/OurAdventurersInTampico.html

100 years ago Rockefellers taught servants Bush about BLOOD FOR OIL, sent US Marines Machine-Guns into Tampico. pic.twitter.com/oVDwZNEoVy

100 years ago Rockefellers taught servants Bush about BLOOD FOR OIL, sent US Marines Machine-Guns into Tampico. pic.twitter.com/tHLHpCFgF7

100 years ago Rockefellers taught servants Bush about BLOOD FOR OIL, sent US Marines Machine-Guns into Tampico. pic.twitter.com/0lHSS90pHC

100 years ago Rockefellers taught servants Bush about BLOOD FOR OIL, sent US Marines Machine-Guns into Tampico. pic.twitter.com/zgehqMsSiK

100 years ago Rockefellers taught servants Bush about BLOOD FOR OIL, sent US Marines Machine-Guns into Tampico. pic.twitter.com/cMlzBrJOpE

100 years ago #JebBush forefather's boss Rockefellers stuffed the Cunard SS Lusitania with military bullets cargo pic.twitter.com/OO59FWEWMo

100 years ago Rockefellers taught servants Bush about using Machine Guns for Strikebreaking at Paint Creek WV, 1913 pic.twitter.com/OC3G39wyqr

100 years ago #JebBush forefather, Sam Bush, worked his men & boys until they dropped dead, no pensions. pic.twitter.com/k7A5ciBH1o

100 years ago #JebBush forefather, Sam Bush, worked his men & boys 12hr/day 7 days a week, 365 days a year pic.twitter.com/gSsM4VKZZT

100 years ago #JebBush forefather, Sam Bush, worked his men & boys until they dropped dead, no pensions. pic.twitter.com/kz2VJY53GS

100 years ago #JebBush forefather, Sam Bush, worked his men & boys until they dropped dead, no pensions. pic.twitter.com/ayZya5eHjM

100 years ago #JebBush forefather, Sam Bush, worked his men & boys until they dropped dead, no pensions. pic.twitter.com/indlq02gQM

100 years ago #JebBush forefather, Sam Bush, worked his men & boys 12hr/day 7 days a week, 365 days a year pic.twitter.com/Yxxtve4Kj8

100 years ago #JebBush forefather, Sam Bush, worked his men & boys until they dropped dead, no pensions. pic.twitter.com/TkA20a1o14

100 years ago #JebBush forefather, Sam Bush, worked his men & boys 12hr/day 7 days a week, 365 days a year pic.twitter.com/evIu5JmPt8

100 years ago #JebBush forefather, Sam Bush, worked his men & boys 12hr/day 7 days a week, 365 days a year pic.twitter.com/7cBduOONov

100 years ago #JebBush forefather, Sam Bush, worked his men & boys until they dropped dead, no pensions. pic.twitter.com/MPHxE8EzSI

100 years ago #JebBush forefather, Sam Bush, worked his men & boys until they dropped dead, no pensions. pic.twitter.com/LuOl1fPx4Y

100 years ago #JebBush forefather Sam worked his men & boys 12hr/day 7 days a week, 365 days a year pic.twitter.com/ebBNgsUFaI

@winterthur #JebBush #SocialSecurity #GOPlies #GOPliars #seniors #veterans #disabilities pic.twitter.com/tf8xwfGiHe https://twitter.com/WayneASchneider/status/635271981487648768

100 years ago "Merchants of Death" Sam Bush worked his men to death at Buckeye Steel, #JebBush Great Grandfather. http://bit.ly/1VWSoKK

100 years ago a Bush worked his men to death. Buckeye Steel hand signed by Jeb Bush's Great Grandfather, Samuel Bush http://scripophily.net/bucsteelcasc1.html

Twitter Pics from @TEAM_LIBER8: #DickCheneyIsSoEvil that Satan is Jealous http://teamliber8.blogspot.com/2015/09/dickcheneyissoevil-that-satan-is-jealous.html pic.twitter.com/v9zgf3yOVl

100 years ago #JebBush forefather Sam Bush worked his factory workers to death ► http://teamliber8.blogspot.com/2015/09/100-years-ago-jebbush-forefather-sam.html #Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/KN3c46iDfS

Bush-Nazis: 25 Broadway, Samuel Pryor, Remington Arms, Cunard Building, MAP Merchants of Death http://bush-nazis.blogspot.com/2011/05/map-to-merchants-of-death.html pic.twitter.com/2Xcau9pmmS

Merchants of Death http://thegreenpulpit.com/2014/11/26/required-reading-the-merchants-of-death/ #JebBush #PrescottBush #Harriman_15 #HamburgAmerica #MADDOW #INNERS pic.twitter.com/P3c7kclgVA

Bush-Nazis: 59 Wall Street -- Brown Brothers Harriman Offices ... http://bush-nazis.blogspot.com/2011/05/59-wall-street-map-merchants-of-death.html?spref=tw #BUSH FAMILY VALUES, JEB TOO, #UniteBlue #DNC

Bush-Nazis: 23 Wall Street NYC -- MAP Merchants of Death http://bush-nazis.blogspot.com/2011/05/23-wall-street-nyc-map-merchants-of.html?spref=tw #BUSH FAMILY VALUES, JEB TOO, #UniteBlue #DNC

Bush-Nazis: 120 Broadway NYC -- MAP Merchants of Death http://bush-nazis.blogspot.com/2011/05/120-broadway-nyc-map-merchants-of-death.html?spref=tw \#BUSH FAMILY VALUES, JEB TOO, #UniteBlue #DNC

Bush-Nazis: 39 Broadway, NYC -- MAP to Merchants of Death -- P... http://bush-nazis.blogspot.com/2011/05/37-broadway-nyc-map-to-merchants-of.html?spref=tw #BUSH FAMILY VALUES, JEB TOO, #UniteBlue #DNC

Bush-Nazis: 25 Broadway -- Samuel Pryor, Remington Arms, Cunar... http://bush-nazis.blogspot.com/2011/05/map-to-merchants-of-death.html?spref=tw #BUSH FAMILY VALUES, JEB TOO

100 years ago "Merchants of Death" Sam Bush (#JebBush Great Gramps) worked his men to death http://bit.ly/1EX8Ar5 pic.twitter.com/otbsvAXMag

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