Tuesday, September 1, 2015

#DickCheneyIsSoEvil that Satan is Jealous

Twitter Pics from @TEAM_LIBER8: #DickCheneyIsSoEvil that Satan is Jealous http://teamliber8.blogspot.com/2015/09/dickcheneyissoevil-that-satan-is-jealous.html … pic.twitter.com/v9zgf3yOVl

If OBAMA had Prosecuted Bush-Cheney for WAR CRIME & CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY would we hear from the gang of shits now? pic.twitter.com/5LyLI42epx


If OBAMA had Prosecuted Bush-Cheney for WAR CRIME & CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY would we hear from the gang of shits now? pic.twitter.com/l2Td4MpKLJ

If OBAMA had Prosecuted Bush-Cheney for WAR CRIME & CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY would we hear from the gang of shits now? pic.twitter.com/l8LPQnoCJ6


If OBAMA had Prosecuted Bush-Cheney for WAR CRIMES, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY would we hear from the gang of shits now? pic.twitter.com/kBbRW3Q6Bo

Rich man's Wars

If OBAMA had Prosecuted Bush-Cheney for WAR CRIMES, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY would we hear from the gang of shits now? pic.twitter.com/bjxX5icLVV

Smedley Butler, War for 222 years

If OBAMA had Prosecuted Bush-Cheney for WAR CRIMES, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY would we hear from the gang of shits now? pic.twitter.com/oFrMmX5xio

Cheney Thug Flag Pins, Cheney War Criminal

If OBAMA had Prosecuted Bush-Cheney for WAR CRIMES, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY would we hear from the gang of shits now? pic.twitter.com/exJp8or3xK

Smedly Butler Speech

If OBAMA had Prosecuted Bush-Cheney for WAR CRIMES, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY would we hear from the gang of shits now? pic.twitter.com/tEjnc11CLE

Smedley Butler, Stacked Skulls

If OBAMA had Prosecuted Bush-Cheney for WAR CRIMES, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY would we hear from the gang of shits now? pic.twitter.com/cj44khzrHb


If OBAMA had Prosecuted Bush-Cheney for WAR CRIMES, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY would we hear from the gang of shits now? pic.twitter.com/96ljC1QHAy

I Have A Dream jail bush-cheney, Coffins in rows

If OBAMA had Prosecuted Bush-Cheney for WAR CRIMES, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY would we hear from the gang of shits now? pic.twitter.com/CxlGnoKste

Cheney Bond Villian, Ailes pick president

We Have to SMASH the Cheney-Propaganda Offensive with MASSIVE PUSHBACK. Begin Now, including "Media Torture Friends" pic.twitter.com/XX6mrgkR5z

Time War ~Crimes Trials, Bush-Rice-Rumsfeld Waterboarding

We Have to SMASH the Cheney-Propaganda Offensive with MASSIVE PUSHBACK. Begin Now, including "Media Torture Friends" pic.twitter.com/UpR4JJxJOc

Architects of Iraq 10 yrs ago, Can we arrest them now?

We Have to SMASH the Cheney-Propaganda Offensive with MASSIVE PUSHBACK. Begin Now, including "Media Torture Friends" pic.twitter.com/lbAtuIxFPP

Fox Spews, Megyn Blow-up doll

We Have to SMASH the Cheney-Propaganda Offensive with MASSIVE PUSHBACK. Begin Now, including "Media Torture Friends" pic.twitter.com/5nVR7ftQn6

Fox Worldmart, Gee how did I get this Job

We Have to SMASH the Cheney-Propaganda Offensive with MASSIVE PUSHBACK. Begin Now, including "Media Torture Friends" pic.twitter.com/6wvcxn2ONi

4X apocalypic memes

#DickCheneyIsSoEvil that he thinks the Book of the Apocalypse is a plot for a comedy movie. pic.twitter.com/3L0ZeyBqd2

Rectal Feeding #DickCheneyIsSoEvil that he rectally feeds guests at Thanksgiving Dinner. pic.twitter.com/D03mO74b9a

#DickCheneyIsSoEvil that Dr Frankenstein let him sew himself together out of graveyard scraps. pic.twitter.com/RHTUWmVJrP

#DickCheneyIsSoEvil that he is really Liz Cheney's mother, carrying her 9 months in his rectum. pic.twitter.com/PRSNK8gzBs

@Michael_Oh2L RT: #DickCheneyIsSoEvil Satan is envious pic.twitter.com/T0gf16YtHM

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