(3) #RandPaul publicly display far more than the minimum symptoms to diagnose #SOCIOPATHY.
(3) #RandPaul publicly display far more than the minimum symptoms to diagnose #SOCIOPATHY http://t.co/eYJLGkjOEA pic.twitter.com/HqMz7ButcJ
(3) #RandPaul publicly display far more than the minimum symptoms to diagnose #SOCIOPATHY http://t.co/eYJLGkjOEA
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) September 13, 2015
GOP Promoting The Most Craven Collection of InHumane Pestilence Ever 4 President
#RandPaul Joins Crowded Field of People Who Will Never Be President
http://t.co/QfD4l94718 @BorowitzReport #satire pic.twitter.com/wbIVGKOlvQ
— bennydiego (@bennydiego) April 7, 2015
RWNJ's: Let's get crazier-->>Ron Paul supporters bolt #RandPaul camp http://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/ron-paul-leave-rand-paul-camp-116439.html
@POLITICO #NHpolitics pic.twitter.com/2LnDw8g80E
RWNJ's: Let's get crazier-->>Ron Paul supporters bolt #RandPaul camp http://t.co/FSgW9sZpgd @POLITICO #NHpolitics pic.twitter.com/2LnDw8g80E
— Sharon Chabot (@nhdogmom) March 28, 2015
Retweet if you agree #RandPaul is an ignorant asshole!#UniteBlue #LibCrib #p2 #politics #SeparationOfChurchAndState pic.twitter.com/KvodAW2zI4
Retweet if you agree #RandPaul is an ignorant asshole!
#UniteBlue #LibCrib #p2 #politics #SeparationOfChurchAndState pic.twitter.com/KvodAW2zI4
— McSpocky (@mcspocky) March 28, 2015
Everybody in America is talking about #BoycottIndiana except #SmoothFlipFlopperator. Yeah, right... #maddow #lastword pic.twitter.com/X1gXcLVMJR
Everybody in America is talking about #BoycottIndiana except #SmoothFlipFlopperator. Yeah, right... #maddow #lastword pic.twitter.com/X1gXcLVMJR
— Lady TheoloGOP (@TheoloGOP) April 3, 2015
@WarAgainstWomen #nRandPaul slams gay rights in unearthed 2013 interview
@WarAgainstWomen #nRandPaul slams gay rights in unearthed 2013 interview
http://t.co/5NEUTXuwEb pic.twitter.com/kmgqnF2ZVo
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) April 6, 2015
Rand Paul thinks equality for woman is "communism." #GOPHatesPoorPeople pic.twitter.com/lx3IT6G0rW
Rand Paul thinks equality for woman is "communism." #GOPHatesPoorPeople pic.twitter.com/lx3IT6G0rW
— Bipartisan Report (@Bipartisanism) March 22, 2015
#RandPaul exhibits most of the symptoms of #Sociopathy, not just the minimum needed to confirm #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue pic.twitter.com/H08L7I694H
@fuertecorazon #RandPaul exhibits most of the symptoms of #Sociopathy, not just the minimum needed to confirm pic.twitter.com/H08L7I694H
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) February 27, 2015
JESUS VS. AYN RAND! (Caffeinated #6): http://youtu.be/ykHYXOC0ETo via @youtube #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue
PAUL RYAN VS. JESUS VS. AYN RAND! (@JohnFugelsang/Caffeinated #6) https://youtu.be/ykHYXOC0ETo via @YouTube
#RandPaul lied about having two degrees. When will he be treated like #BrianWilliams? #47Traitors #p2 #unitebluepic.twitter.com/Q3IYRouTM2
#RandPaul lied about having two degrees. When will he be treated like #BrianWilliams? #RandPaulMisremembers pic.twitter.com/Q3IYRouTM2
— Bipartisan Report (@Bipartisanism) February 15, 2015
Surprise, Surprise! Rand Paul Lied About His Undergraduate Degree TWICE http://bit.ly/1JfQsKk #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors
Surprise, Surprise! @SenRandPaul Lied About His Undergraduate Degree TWICE http://t.co/ojXTqns0Ap @GOP @SenateGOP pic.twitter.com/qIMZon2LCe
— Dana Fairbanks, M.D. (@dcfairbank) March 15, 2015
Rand Paul College Claims Misleading
#MemeGOP #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/pz8ITPrlnb
— Meme GOP (@GOPMeme) February 14, 2015
RAND PAUL CAUGHT LYING AGAIN: Forced To Admit He Never Graduated From Baylor University. http://www.salon.com/2015/02/13/rand_paul_caught_lying_about_his_college_record/ pic.twitter.com/ISFMaG2ftG
RAND PAUL CAUGHT LYING AGAIN: Forced To Admit He Never Graduated From Baylor University. http://t.co/4cq2j0V8bV pic.twitter.com/ISFMaG2ftG
— The Baxter Bean (@TheBaxterBean) February 13, 2015
RandPaul TedCruz Hail Hydra, Redskull in uniformTry not to forget that 4% are #SOCIOPATHS who prefer evil, and lie skillfully. #RandPaul, HAIL HYDRA #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/HqMz7ButcJ
Try not to forget that 4% are #SOCIOPATHS who prefer evil, and lie skillfully.
#RandPaul, HAIL HYDRA pic.twitter.com/HqMz7ButcJ
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) February 5, 2015
Jesus Hail Hydra, Hydra Flag
Using ConservaNazi children as mobile bio-weapons to spread deadly diseases is pure evil. #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors
@PolitiFact @Anonomouse1981 Using ConservaNazi children as mobile bio-weapons to spread deadly diseases is pure evil. pic.twitter.com/cZV5skeWmV
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) February 4, 2015
Medical Apartheid, Maps southern tier Slaves-black demographics
@SenRandPaul #Eugenics #Libertarians is a stealth Murder Cult which eliminates the vulnerable using hidden means. #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/PAETP2Uw4j
#Eugenics #Libertarians is a stealth Murder Cult which eliminates the vulnerable using hidden means. pic.twitter.com/PAETP2Uw4j
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) February 4, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarian #EUGENICS acts to kill off the lowest 10% by every means available. #Uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/6940qZcpBh
@I_Karumba @SenRandPaul
#Libertarian #EUGENICS acts to kill off the lowest 10% by every means available.
#Uniteblue pic.twitter.com/6940qZcpBh
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) February 4, 2015
RandPaul John McCain Hail Hydra, Red Elephant GOP red states MedicaidLibertarian Hydra #EUGENICS = not only remove help for weak, disabled, old, poor, but block survival. #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/KISOVqoZN7
@TheBaxterBean Libertarian Hydra #EUGENICS = not only remove help for weak, disabled, old, poor, but block survival. pic.twitter.com/KISOVqoZN7
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) February 4, 2015
RandPaul Fist Hydra, Sociopath Know One
Libertarian Hydra is the EUGENICS Plan of John D. Rockefeller 100yrs ago: eliminate bottom 10%. #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/5FsqTwxamA
Libertarian Hydra is the EUGENICS Plan of John D. Rockefeller 100yrs ago: eliminate bottom 10%. pic.twitter.com/5FsqTwxamA
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) February 4, 2015
#RandPaul Linked w/ Anti-Vaccine Doctors’ Org: "They're basically libertarians in white coats" http://www.salon.com/2015/02/04/rand_paul_linked_with_anti_vaxx_doctors_organization/ #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors
Rand Paul Linked w/ Anti-Vaccine Doctors’ Org: "They're basically libertarians in white coats" http://t.co/XsUbsX0X8K pic.twitter.com/Yg8xF9CYUE
— The Baxter Bean (@TheBaxterBean) February 4, 2015
Republican Dr. Rand Paul Has Been Decades-Long Member of Group Opposed To Mandatory Vaccines http://www.politico.com/story/2015/02/rand-paul-vaccines-association-american-physicians-surgeons-114902.html #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors
Republican Dr. Rand Paul Has Been Decades-Long Member of Group Opposed To Mandatory Vaccines http://t.co/2PhbD0q13o pic.twitter.com/zUQ8AKStdK
— The Baxter Bean (@TheBaxterBean) February 4, 2015
Great #RandPaul For Freedom Moments: "Whooping Cough Bounces Back" https://www.sciencenews.org/article/whooping-cough-bounces-back #uniteblue #47Traitorspic.twitter.com/SDku9udFe4
Great Rand Paul For Freedom Moments:
"Whooping Cough in U.S. Bounces Back"
https://t.co/yXHDGp0O2h pic.twitter.com/SDku9udFe4
— The Baxter Bean (@TheBaxterBean) February 4, 2015
Will never be #President. Flagrantly stating that #SupremeCourt rulings are not constitutional. #RandPaul #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/KAexdQWoAv
This man will never be #President. Flagrantly stating that #SupremeCourt rulings are not constitutional. #RandPaul pic.twitter.com/KAexdQWoAv
— Nora Wahlquist (@DahmPublishing) April 24, 2014
Anti contraception/abortion pro-cuts for kids #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47TraitorsRand Dumb pic.twitter.com/v9xj0d0HPM
Rand Dumb pic.twitter.com/v9xj0d0HPM
— Michigan Lefty (@Music0723) January 25, 2015
Board Certifed by Hizself, #RandPaul #47Traitors#MemeGOP #UniteBlue pic.twitter.com/gWzWv1Jt7R
— Meme GOP (@GOPMeme) January 20, 2015
pic.twitter.com/fBHmEoxCbG #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/J2SuABa88X
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/J2SuABa88X
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 19, 2015
pic.twitter.com/fBHmEoxCbG #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/M1DYUDuOfw
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/M1DYUDuOfw
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 19, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs#p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/H7uF53DaCX
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/H7uF53DaCX
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 19, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs#p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/bevcb1MIEt
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/bevcb1MIEt
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 19, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs#p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/Zj7KJ8xCnh
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/Zj7KJ8xCnh
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 19, 2015
#Sociopath #RandPaul said more than half of people are on disability for back pain, anxiety. http://bit.ly/14Kmefy #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/sJ92TVStPO
ICYMI: Rand Paul said more than half of people are on disability for back pain, anxiety. http://t.co/NqdMX4mCN5 pic.twitter.com/sJ92TVStPO
— PolitiFact (@PolitiFact) January 19, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs#p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/v18ta84o1h
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/v18ta84o1h
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 18, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs#p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/ikqAHJZUuq
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/ikqAHJZUuq
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 18, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs#p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/d2uSrBK0DN
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/d2uSrBK0DN
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 18, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs#p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/Hp06ad3VZk
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/Hp06ad3VZk
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 18, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs#p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/aW0Y9WVEVI
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/aW0Y9WVEVI
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 18, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs#p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/eHRmc4s26U
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/eHRmc4s26U
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 18, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs#p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/AX8ySUTSAh
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/AX8ySUTSAh
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 18, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/fBHmEoxCbG
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/fBHmEoxCbG
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 18, 2015
HAIL HYDRA#RandPaul is running for book tour millionaire and #FoxNews talking headjob. #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/ZS5LH45ikt
#RandPaul announces TOMORROW he is running for book tour millionaire and #FoxNews talking headjob. #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/ZS5LH45ikt
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) April 6, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/rcZzMLOxAI
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/rcZzMLOxAI
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 18, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/RxsWJUtgKg
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 18, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/FSz17u5CaQ
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 18, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/rcZzMLOxAI
#TedCruz #RandPaul #PaulRyan #AynRand #Libertarians
#Uniteblue #tcot #Sociopaths #racists pic.twitter.com/kWAUBBK5tP
— Team-LIBer8 (@Team_LIBer8) January 18, 2015
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/FSz17u5CaQ
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors
#RandPaul #Libertarians #Sociopaths #racists #FoxNews-#Murdoch-Asskissrs #p2 #libcrib #uniteblue #47Traitors
I'm thinking...a dagwood. #TedCruz #RandPaul #TeaBaggers #TeaParty #UniteBlue #tcot #p2 #LibCrib #TopProg #Democrats pic.twitter.com/LEBrIqnZ8R
Senator Paul: You Didn't Build That. #randpaul @tpm @davidweigel @CapehartJ pic.twitter.com/IJlEZ3LWwr
#RandPaul doesn't always plagiarize...Oh, who are we kidding, he constantly plagarizes.#UniteBlue
Or, in meme form... #RandPaul #TCOT #TedCruz #RandPaul #TeaBaggers #TeaParty #UniteBlue #tcot #p2 #LibCrib #TopProg
#RandPaul vs #RachelMaddow never underestimate power of stupidity to overwhelm intelligence
#uniteblue #47Traitors
Serial Plagiarist #RandPaul Melts Down and Incoherently Babbles About Footnotes on #ABC: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=409842862478223&set=a.267790563350121.64313.267779953351182&type=1&relevant_count=1 #uniteblue #47Traitors
@Maddow to #GOPliar #RandPaul: ‘Good luck’ trying to make this #Plagiarism thing about me http://bit.ly/1hFdoCq #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/zQGE0Tbt4S
Busted >>#RandPaul <<< the only original thing he has are his excuses... #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/VON00pigkV
Large White Audience Turns Out 2Hear #RandPaul Speak @ Black-American Outreach Event #Detroithttp://huff.to/1cw5QzQ #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/2eZ70oGyEg
#randpaul #kentucky this guy truly thinks he could be president #wishwewereabluestate #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/HQ71zwG6xw
Oh #RandPaul You're so funny! #RandPaulQuotes #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/pLF5H7HAZr
@Mudflats @SenRandPaul This #RandPaul guy is gonna make it into Bartlett's. Mark my word. #RandPaulQuotes #47Traitors
@lisarand99 #Randpaulquotes #47Traitors #UniteBlue pic.twitter.com/iw3wjkTQTD
#randpaulquotes #plagiarizing #detention #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/rfmlBub5Oj
bad hair day? never heard of it. #RandPaulQuotes #2014 #GameOverGOP #FearTheGOPStoppers #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/qwEipDgxfu
#RandPaul It's called #SOCIOPATHY when you tell lies to different groups knowing they are lies when you say #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/mZ98kyYu4K
#RandPaul The Early Years by @LTCartoons #tcot #shutdown #teaparty #gop #politics #plagiarism #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/M5HgsHEn2R
Hypocrite libertarian #RandPaul gets over $3million in #taxpayer $$$ for his staff & expenses. #WTFGOP #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/NzlY77Eah5
Too #Chicken 2 appear on @Maddow #RandPaul angry over #Plagiarism charges Wants 2 #SwordFight http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-rand-paul-accused-plagiarism-20131106,0,5716576.story #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/vTDaYqiC7b
This photo is crying out for a caption! #Plagiarism #RandPaul #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/Wxiu6oowWz
More #AynRand, Social-Calvinist, "I-Me-My," #Classist, #Racist, #Misogynistic, Minstrel Show Garbage By #RandPaul #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/k5s5hNTxFE
#RandPaul #Freedom >>> #uniteblue #47Traitors
#mtp allows plagiarist #RandPaul to question PBO moral l #uniteblue #47Traitorseadership. David giving Rand #GOP platform w #Cruz #Ryan MIA pic.twitter.com/QFoX62lNQa
@IllyriaOne #DukeEnergy should give #RandPaul a buzz. He charges by the hour but he's the polluters' best friend #uniteblue #47Traitors pic.twitter.com/I474UMg94m
shorter #RonPaul #RandPaul "Clinton is shameful b/c Lewinsky! now please ignore our neo-nazi chums & fan club" pic.twitter.com/uOtle5tmv5
Rand Paul, Plagiarist....#uniteblue #teabaggers #tcot #tlot #ctl #gop #libcrib #p2 #randpaul pic.twitter.com/NCdMaz00AU
#randpaul is at it again #plagiarism accused of stealing NSA lawsuit http://wapo.st/1kCJCBn Really Paul? Really? pic.twitter.com/vxqdnG6nLP
@cspanwj More to #Kentucky than just the Derby! #UniteBlue #Cancer #Pollution #RandPaul #McConnell pic.twitter.com/PNJW3JA4dj
Funny- coming from a guy who wants to ban LGBT Americans from marrying each other. #RandPaul #equality pic.twitter.com/nwAwfEGn06
Because #RandPaul is very peculiar. RT @OccupyDemocrats Rand Paul has a very peculiar definition of "liberty." #p2 pic.twitter.com/lz3bEpvsec
#RANDPAUL who really has a violent attitude towards women ? pic.twitter.com/RpVjsKW14k
Who's This Elected Official Working For? http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2013/05/rand-paul-fatca-repeal-offshore-tax-evasion #uniteblue #p2 #twisters #waar #libertarian #randpaul pic.twitter.com/WET1hxkFgI
They'll move up through the ranks quickly. #HailHydra #RonPaul #RandPaul pic.twitter.com/FreQ21ZSg1
Only in America could a pretend eye-doctor grow up to be a pretend Presidential candidate! pic.twitter.com/k3wrXOveQJ
What a difference does a racist I mean day makes #GOPeeFAIL #RandPaul #TedCruz #DeanHeller #Hannity #UniteBlue #tcot pic.twitter.com/GY6wLARnBG
"We've come to take our government back" #RandPaul pic.twitter.com/99kuu27gYh
Caption contest time! Senator #RandPaul thinks he's really cool wearing sunglasses, talking with Rupert #Murdoch. pic.twitter.com/uLx8iYA8Do
#RandPaul looks to his inner blonde for answers on liberty #GOP pic.twitter.com/fA2dS2r6qM
Oh my, #RandPaul. The Food Stamp Capital in U.S. (Kentucky) is white and Republicanhttp://j.mp/PFljpy #p2 #tcot pic.twitter.com/vuecnH5Psr
Yep Some now wear masks Rand Paul SideKick Southern Avenger @marstu67 @PoliticalAnt @MountainMole pic.twitter.com/GAKSoDzx0F
#SadLittleMan #RandPaul says people "don't have a right to food, water, and healthcare"... pic.twitter.com/MqVBP8pzXI
"@DahmPublishing: I wonder how many ghost writers #RandPaul has? " Not enough to make him sound sane. pic.twitter.com/Kn7tCn3YCC
Shorter #RandPaul: #Wikipedia was down. I had to cancel my speech. #plagiarism NOW #medicalcredentials...?!
#RandPaul since you're a #Feminist now, I wholly expect to hear you come out in support of the #ERA tonight. pic.twitter.com/fHgePaJ8u7
#RandPaul you're no #Feminist. I really want to find a Dr. to administer a taste of your preferred regulation. pic.twitter.com/uATzpjpg7q
#RandPaul, what happens when someone close to you is #raped. Will you still make her have the child? #SOTU pic.twitter.com/o5CCpMMFX4
Seriously though #RandPaul since your a bit slow concerning #waronwomen maybe this will help you understand. pic.twitter.com/YKX7veoiD7
Can't say it gentlemen? Don't legislate it. #vagina #vagina #vagina #vagina #vagina #vagina #RandPaul #TedCruz #Rubio pic.twitter.com/otOFZF7PHi
I think #RandPaul needs to go back to school. #aynrand #libertarian #tlot #teaparty #topprog #p2 #libcrib pic.twitter.com/T71JQw8iYu
@randyprine I'm Sure The Welfare Queen #AynRand Crowd Will Just Poo-Poo That Thought. #GOPocrisy #tlot #randpaul pic.twitter.com/asTAyQLglz
Just How Used Does The #TeaParty Feel ?#GOPocrisy #uniteblue #topprog #libcrib #randpaul #aynrand #pjnet #edshow pic.twitter.com/Aof8rzvT8b
Hey @Boehner #RandPaul #TedCruz #Rubio You guys understand this right? Stop hating on the #working poor #raisethewage pic.twitter.com/1zWB4G4fD2
Who's the real #RandPaul? Every new story equals a new position Will media let him get away w it? #POTUS? Yeah right! pic.twitter.com/YPjxaV2pKH
This man will never be #President. Flagrantly stating that #SupremeCourt rulings are not constitutional. #RandPaul pic.twitter.com/KAexdQWoAv
#UniteBlue #ImmigrationReform #VoteBlue pic.twitter.com/HHyXcVn2VL
#GOPer #RandPaul Completes His Flip-Flop on Aid to Israel http://act.alternet.org/go/50065?t=20&akid=12092.2146.CDX6f8 pic.twitter.com/5Lz0iESyIk
Fake, self-certified eye doctor @SenRandPaul accuses people of faking things. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/14/rand-paul-disability-insurance_n_6470890.htmlpic.twitter.com/FzMr5nUp9S
#RandPaul tells pro-gun crowd in N.H. he'd be happy to dissolve the United Nations: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2015/01/14/rand_paul_says_hed_be_happy_to_dissolve_the_un_125260.html
Fire Dept. #RandPaul #Libertarian style. pic.twitter.com/5sL4YYGXEJ
Another RWNJ False Idol .. #uppers #libcrib #uniteblue #dream14 #afp #randpaul pic.twitter.com/8Mm08Mmvfn
#MemeGOP #UniteBlue pic.twitter.com/K3YGJrE0yx
#GOPHungerGames #UniteBlue #LibCrib pic.twitter.com/La1pDIK4H3
#RandPaul: "Congratulations, ladies, you won the War on Women!" #stateoftheunion #SOTU http://winkprogress.com/thedailyedge/4784/rand-paul-congratulations-ladies-won-war-women/ pic.twitter.com/EDjnegCx28
#UniteBlue Yet another thing #RandPaul has completely wrong: pic.twitter.com/cPLIDpZlNN
#UniteBlue #Progressives #TedCruz #RandPaul #SarahPalin #BillMaher #CNN #RachelMaddow Message From the Hot Place pic.twitter.com/J65Up46NId
Wonder if #PaulRyan & #RandPaul will embrace this Ayn Rand doctrine, I haven't heard IT mentioned... pic.twitter.com/Z0Pgk6YCCw
Right on @Maddow! Was going to send this out later! AWEsome ur bringing it up! #RandPaul is a faker & hater! #Maddow pic.twitter.com/PZhCobetGg
Priorities seem out of place when it comes to #RandPaul and #TedCruz. Why do people keep electing these fools? pic.twitter.com/iVcoZbtIvD
Stop Crying Wolf #RandPaul! pic.twitter.com/1wDdRXhPoO
#RandPaul #UniteBlue #KeepCalmVoteDem #TNTweeters #LibCrib #LetsGetRidofTheseReptiles pic.twitter.com/DLzAiCvlla
This has to be the funniest thing I've seen in a while #RonPaul #RandPaul #AynRand #Uniteblue #Libertarians #Bilble pic.twitter.com/jHecwlNnBJ
As long as #RandPaul affiliates with #Koch owned #GOP #TeaParty this is #ConservativeRealism he supports: @billmaher pic.twitter.com/LnoVTeWO6U
#Libertarian #RandPaul kills NSA reform. r u now convinced he just wants to get high http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/18/rand-paul-nsa-reform-bill_n_6182204.html#RandPaul pic.twitter.com/ekgIS8QSH8
#randpaul BENGHAZI! Because he has nothing else. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/12/01/rand-paul-won-t-let-benghazi-die.html pic.twitter.com/GDgyz0nWsP
#RandPaul wants to be president 2016. DO NOT forget what he really stands for, and from where he came. #RonPaul #kkk pic.twitter.com/LIIeRZrj9V
mt @ZonkerPA: GOP Republican TeaPartier #RandPaul is a complete fraud. pic.twitter.com/UavQckMAGR #poseur
#tcot #teaparty #Conservative #RandPaul #KeepingAmericansDumb #racism pic.twitter.com/ktpC0Thw87
Yep Some now wear masks #RandPaul SideKick Southern Avenger @marstu67 @cspanwj cspanwj pic.twitter.com/EU3klBOBjZ
Here's How #RandPaul And Other Politicians Contributed To The 'Lie Of The Year'... http://ebola.trendolizer.com/2014/12/heres-how-rand-paul-and-other-politicians-contributed-to-the-lie-of-the-year.html
@AlisonForKY pledges to protect us from a lawless #RandPaul concurrent bid. pic.twitter.com/qSVIcalfXV
Beware of Rand ... http://bit.ly/1xsrwci #AmericanWorkers #Antiunion #KentuckySenator #RandPaul #RonPaul pic.twitter.com/B2k6KrIixM
The REAL #RandPaul #p2 #UniteBlue #LibCrib #TopProg #Politics #RWNJs #GOP #tcot pic.twitter.com/dTuXuKrepr
#randpaul chip off the old block w a wackier hair-do #racist among other things. . pic.twitter.com/tucqgUy4mV
#WhitePriilege means having POTUS candidates like #RandPaul who supports repealing this part of the Civil Rights Act: pic.twitter.com/1E0SiHHPKb
Senator Rand Paul Now ATTACKING The Disabled #p2 #UniteBlue #LibCrib #TopProg #Politics #RandPaul #tcot pic.twitter.com/aMKiLiFPgr
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